November 15th: Follow up from Friends Meeting

Hi All-

Once again, I would like to thank those of you who were able to attend our Friends meeting last Tuesday, the 9th.

For those of you who were not able to attend, I will give you a brief summary.

We started off by discussing the MSCD BOE meeting that took place on Nov 2nd. I have attached my notes in case any of you were not able to watch via Youtube or had trouble hearing what they were saying.

Next, some ideas were brought up by members of the Friends:

-Friends to purchase the land from the MCSD (similar to the Stissing Fire Tower)

-Friends to propose a 99 year lease from the MSCD for the Gazebo

-I have begun exploring liability insurance options

-I have started looking into options to form a 501c3 and/or an LLC for "Friends of the Gazebo"

I have a call with 3 members of the BOE this week and will of course keep you all updated on what transpires from that call.

FLYER HANDOUT: I proposed an idea to pass out flyers to village residents and beyond. This is to reach people who may not be aware of our movement or don't have Facebook. A few of you expressed interest in helping me pass these out to residents. For those of you who are still interested, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Due to travel delays, I won't be able to start until Wednesday late afternoon / early evening, and will most likely continue for a few hours on Thursday. Thank you to Gary Ciferri for his donation towards the printing of these.

PARADE OF LIGHTS FLOAT: Ron King, who previously worked on restoration of the gazebo would like to participate in the Parade of Lights and have a "Gazebo Float". This will help spread the word and draw awareness to the issue at hand. If you would like to be involved in any way, please let me know.

POSITIONS: I would love to have a few people appointed to certain positions; some of these may be preemptive, but please think about them in the meantime.



-Co Secretary

Thank you!


December 8th: MCSD Board Meeting follow up


November 7th: MCSD BOE Meeting