October 26th: MCSD BOE Zoom Follow Up
Hi All
Last night, October 25th, a few members of the Friends and I had a Zoom Meeting with our two point people on the MCSD BOE regarding the Gazebo.
It was a very nice meeting and we asked a lot of questions that I am sure many of you would like to know the answers to as well.
I've included a list of the questions below; we hope to have answers next week at some point and of course will share them with all of you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or additional concerns.
I would like to hold an in-person meeting next week if possible so we can catch up in person and connect on various topics. I will offer some days and times within the next few days.
Thank you!
-Can the Friends get more details on the quote that was received to restore the Gazebo?
-Can the Friends of the Gazebo move forward with obtaining their own quotes for the restoration of the Gazebo?
-If the Friends were to raise the funds and control the restoration of the Gazebo under the MCSD, would we (workers / contractors etc) be covered under MCSD's insurance?
-Would the MCSD be willing to contribute the demolition funds toward the renovation? ($7,800)
-Can the Friends have Millbrook's village inspector, Ken McLaughlin, inspect the Gazebo?
-Would the MSCD be able to offer tax write-offs for donors to the Gazebo?
-Can the MCSD share the comments they received from the survey to the Friends?
-Thoughts on transferring it from the MCSD to the Village (this may be more of something the Friends need to work through)
-What is involved in Subdividing the property / Re-aligning the Lot line?
-Will look into Dyson / Tribute Garden Foundation
-Michael Shultz has offered to crib the structure for winter